Dear Mentor
Just a quick update for ye regarding two online issues:
Discontinuation of FAI Connect:
As you may be aware, FAI Connect replaced FAInet, which schools used for player registration, in January 2023.
From August 2023, the Leinster Branch will no longer be using the FAI Connect platform for any purpose.
We will be moving the player registration process to our new software, as detailed below.
All player records created on FAInet have been transferred to the new system.
Therefore, if you receive any communication from the FAI Connect team, you can feel free to ignore & delete it.
Comortais Interface:
From August 2023 onwards, the Leinster Branch will be using Comortais online software for administration purposes.
Comortais will be used by us for three purposes:
- Affiliation & Entry – details of this process were sent by registered post & e-mail yesterday.
- Competitions – all fixtures for primary, boys & girls sections, for all competitions, will be posted & updated here – you will still be notified by e-mail of the initial posting of the fixtures & the mentor contact booklets will be attached as PDF’s – mentor details will not be placed on the software.
- Player Registration – operating as per the FAInet system, with basic player details (name & dob) all that is required. Full details will follow at the appropriate time.
Hyperlinks for all of the above are on the www.faischools.ie/leinster page (on the right-hand side) & you will be directed to the appropriate section of the software as needed.
Please bear with us as we get to grips with the new system ourselves – it is hoped that all fixtures for all competitions will be posted here, but this is obviously in the hands of me & the team of volunteer competition organisers doing all of this in their spare time, so please be patient! It’s a learning curve for all of us.
That’s all for now – as always, any queries, please e-mail me.
On behalf of the Executive Committee
Declan McGrath
Honorary Secretary,
FAI Schools, Leinster Branch,
Boys Section (Post-Primary)